Why Fly Private Jets?
Why Fly Private? It's a big decision time for your company. How do you manage a tight schedule, meetings throughout the region, and still find time for home and family? It seems like every day is another airline flight subject to cancellations, increasingly invasive security procedures, and certainly the risk of illness in such a confined area. Then, following the flight another hour on the road to and from an important meeting, a stay in the hotel, then repeat the next day. Is there a better way? How can a small business create more time in the day, or make each day more productive? Corporate aviation offers access to nearly 4,500 airports in the United States alone that aren't presently served by airlines. Rather than arriving at the airport two hours early to deal with security and delays and spending hours on each end driving to and from your airline hub of choice (don't forget that connection in Atlanta) your business can arrive and depart from airports with...